Posts Tagged ‘School Improvement’

Education Thu 28 Feb

Life After Gove. Is there such a thing?

Life after Gove. Is there such thing? The current education secretary’s ceaseless and frenetic activity sometimes makes this hard to believe. But one day he will be gone and the chances are that a Labour government will have to pick up the pieces. The stand-out issues that must be faced are becoming clearer. How do […]

Education Sun 27 Nov

How Labour could respond to the Coalition’s education reforms

Some months ago I was asked to deliver a lecture to Labour Party members, and others, in David Cameron’s constituency of West Oxfordshire about how Labour should respond to the Coalition’s education reforms. The lecture was part of a series and in memory of  local activist, campaigner and educationalist Brian Hodgson. It was chaired by […]

Education Tue 8 Nov

There is no plan B for schools

Last month I wrote in the Guardian about Michael Gove’s speech to the Tory Party conference. He opened his remarks by saying he wanted to tell his audience “what was changing”.  I was on a train at the time and as I struggled to make a satisfactory internet connection to hear the rest of the […]