Posts Tagged ‘Privatisation of schools’

Education Tue 3 Jul

To profit or not

Last month I was invited to speak at a conference of housing professionals on the subject “To Profit or Not To Profit”.  The government is now trying to entice private sector providers into the social housing sector and I was asked to give a perspective on this issue from the education sector’s point of view. […]

Education Wed 30 Mar

How to avoid the predictable failures of free schools – give the local authority a role

An interesting little booklet has just been published. Called ‘The Six Predictable Failures of Free Schools and how to avoid them’. It is written by teacher Laura McInerney, who occasionally comments on this site, and published by LKMco, a consultancy run by McInerney and fellow teacher Loic Menzies.  It injects a note of realism into […]