Posts Tagged ‘LSE’

Out and About, Policy Thu 16 May

Gove and Glasman at the LSE. Is the stakeholder model of governance coming back?

Last night I went to an interesting debate at the London School of Economics. The Secretary of State for Education Michael Gove and Labour peer Lord Glasman , author of Blue Labour and involved in the party’s policy review, were discussing who “owns” the concept of One Nation, originated by Benjamin Disraeli and appropriated by Labour leader Ed Miliband […]

Education Sat 18 Jun

Beware of attempts to undermine Feinstein’s graph

Agreement over education policy may be rare, but the need to address persistent gaps in attainment, and vastly differing life chances, between children from different backgrounds has attracted significant all party attention. The remedies may be disputed but no one would now seriously question the need to eradicate what is undeniably a scar on British […]