Posts Tagged ‘local schools’

Education Thu 28 Feb

Life After Gove. Is there such a thing?

Life after Gove. Is there such thing? The current education secretary’s ceaseless and frenetic activity sometimes makes this hard to believe. But one day he will be gone and the chances are that a Labour government will have to pick up the pieces. The stand-out issues that must be faced are becoming clearer. How do […]

Education Thu 15 Sep

What parents really want from schools

For the past few months I have taken some time out from the daily blogging and journalism and spent time travelling around the country for a project looking into school accountability and what parents really want from schools. It has been a fascinating experience. My first encounter with “school accountability” came in the early 1990s. […]

Education Wed 30 Mar

How to avoid the predictable failures of free schools – give the local authority a role

An interesting little booklet has just been published. Called ‘The Six Predictable Failures of Free Schools and how to avoid them’. It is written by teacher Laura McInerney, who occasionally comments on this site, and published by LKMco, a consultancy run by McInerney and fellow teacher Loic Menzies.  It injects a note of realism into […]

Education Fri 3 Dec

A great local community school

Also posted on the Local Schools Network I am getting a bit fed up of reading about the wonder of the academies so I thought I would post something about my daughter’s school. Here is how the latest Ofsted inspection report, published last week, describes it. “Parliament Hill School is a large comprehensive community school […]

Education Wed 21 Jul

Not exactly a ‘schools revolution’ Mr Gove!

Today the Anti Academies Alliance publishes for the first time the list of schools seeking academy status by September 2010. We believe that there are around 24 schools that have passed governing body resolutions and a further 11 who may be starting the process of transferring staff to the new employer without passing a resolution. […]

By Alasdair Smith 3 comments
Education Sun 4 Jul

Not so happy in ‘Nappy Valley’

Here is an interesting microcosm of the new education landscape – ‘Nappy Valley’ is an affluent enclave between Wandsworth and Clapham Common in South London. To give you an idea of the residential geography – an online search of house prices suggests not much change from £1million for a two bedroom house. Lots of those […]