Posts Tagged ‘Labour Party’

Guardian articles Mon 31 Mar

Labour needs a triple shot

Over the past ten years I have got used to various ups and downs in my relationship with the Labour Party over its education policy. I have been a member since I was 16, worked for the last government and even thought of standing for Parliament at one stage. So much of the party’s record […]

Policy Fri 18 Oct

Tristram Hunt’s challenge

I have a general rule of thumb when watching education ministers and their shadows perform in public. Remember the audiences, because there are two. The first, is comprised of parents, pupils, heads and teachers. In spite of the best efforts of politicians to divide them, this group generally has a common interest in ensuring their […]

Policy Tue 23 Apr

Some thoughts on Labour and schools policy

The Observer newspaper carried a couple of  articles at the weekend about an alleged mid-term wobble  for Labour. This seemed to be largely based on a slight drop in the opinion polls, a few attacks from  ageing Blairites and George Osborne’s intervention in the welfare debate using the horrific story of the Derby benefit claimant who set […]

Education Sun 27 Nov

How Labour could respond to the Coalition’s education reforms

Some months ago I was asked to deliver a lecture to Labour Party members, and others, in David Cameron’s constituency of West Oxfordshire about how Labour should respond to the Coalition’s education reforms. The lecture was part of a series and in memory of  local activist, campaigner and educationalist Brian Hodgson. It was chaired by […]