Posts Tagged ‘BSF’

Education Sat 9 Apr

James Review on School Buildings makes some good points but leaves unanswered questions

The James Review in to capital spending on schools was slipped out to very little fanfare yesterday, on the last day of term. I wonder why? It could be that the whole matter of school buildings is of little real interest to the media, but given the furore over the cancellation of BSF, you would […]

Education Tue 8 Mar

How do we decide if we ‘need’ a new school

Published in Guardian Education today How should we decide what constitutes ‘need’ for a new school? This, I predict, will be one of the most furiously contested issues of the next few years. Giving any willing group the chance to set up a school may sound appealing on paper, but the devil will be in […]

Education Sat 5 Feb

The row about BSF has obscured the real story on school capital funding

Much of the attention of the coalition governments funding of English maintained schools has focussed on the cancellation of the Building Schools for the Future programme. Almost no attention has been focussed on another aspect of capital funding that will affect all schools – that of Devolved Capital Funding. This is the annual allocation to […]

By Guy Dixon 0 comments
Education Wed 21 Jul

Not exactly a ‘schools revolution’ Mr Gove!

Today the Anti Academies Alliance publishes for the first time the list of schools seeking academy status by September 2010. We believe that there are around 24 schools that have passed governing body resolutions and a further 11 who may be starting the process of transferring staff to the new employer without passing a resolution. […]

By Alasdair Smith 3 comments
Education Mon 12 Jul

Join the fight back on BSF and Gove’s pet projects

Once upon a time there was a Tory Secretary of State for Education called John Patten. He was generally thought to be a hapless disaster, whose time as a Cabinet minister in the early 1990s was taken up with trying to get as many schools as possible to opt out of local authority control. He […]